Real life, real stories and the real you. There has never been a better time than right now to move towards all that God has for you. Be who you were born to be. Step into 'The Simple Truth' series.

Learn This
Discover the most overlooked ‘something’ that Jesus ever did:
Why is it that often when we share our faith with people, even the people we love the most, we walk away feeling like a disaster? Why do we walk away from conversations thinking what we said will never have an impact? 'The Simple Truth' series will help you come face to face with this issue and show you how 'Sonship' holds the key to living an authentic, contagious life with God. This new way of living will lead to a natural expression of your faith so you will never again battle 'I Dont Know What to Say' mentality.
Learn That
Discover the driving message of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:
You can't give someone something you don't have, everyone knows that. But the more profound thing at work in our lives is hidden in a blind spot; you can't give someone something that you don't know you have. We have been freely given every spiritual blessing in Jesus already, but do we really understand what we have? If we don't, then we just have words and words without understanding are dead words.
'The Simple Truth' series will lead you into the driving message of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and enable you to begin to live in real freedom with a real understanding of your connection to God.
This Too
Discover what you have freely been given:
'The simple Truth' series will help you put first things first. So often in life we gravitate towards the 'task' first and above all. But Jesus puts the first commandment first. To love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength. This is the only thing strong and solid enough to build every aspect of your life on. If we build our life on anything else, even something as amazing as the great commission, then it is just a matter of time before everything crumbles. 'The Simple Truth' series will help you put first things first - the life of intimacy with God. The true you is waiting for you in this place of intimacy. Experience for yourself and live the same way Jesus does-with His Father. This simple, revolutionary Way will accelerate His good plan for your life.


'The Simple Truth'
the course you need
jamesmtyson has been a missionary for over 20 years and has lived abroad in a country hostile to the gospel. He now continues to persue God and people in the UK with his wife and two kids. Their mandate is to train and equip others to experience God deeply for themselves and to help others pass this on.
His message is invaluable to anyone who want to see change in themselves and the world around them. Their insights into living in intimacy with God have been hard won, battle tested and lived out in every aspect of life.
When you catch hold of the only message worth telling for yourself you will be changed forever. Your loneliness, frustration, fear and anxiety will leave as God's love, hope, authority and peace rises in you.
It's time for the 'True You'.
It's time to be who you were born to be.

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